Doors at Seattle

Published in Poppin Magazine By EDD JEFFORDS Something has happened to the Doors. Ray Manzarek knows it, several thousand people who attended the Seattle Pop Festival know, and probably so does Jim Morrison. Once one of the vital influences in rock, the Doors apparently have been captured entirely by the…


THE SOFT PARADE- The Doors- Elektra EKS 75005 This, the Doors long-awaited fourth LP is a furiously exciting and intense program of rock poetry. At the top of his form is vocalist-writer Jim Morrison whose work here is his finest to date, and the work of the group as a…

Jim Morrison Tells All

Published in ROLLING STONE By JERRY HOPKINS NEW YORK—Jim Morrison, looking like Che Guevara with heavy beard and long cigar, was in town with the Doors last week taping a Critique show for the National Educational Television network. The Gig (an Elektra Records brainchild) consisted of a ten-minute interview with…

A Decency Rally Fans the Flames

***Not a full article BALTIMORE—Among the more disgusting sights on the contemporary social scene is a Decency Rally run wild. That is exactly what happened in Baltimore late in April after a Sunday afternoon crowd of 40,000 jammed into Memorial Stadium on behalf of decency and righteousness. It was the…