JAMES DOUGLAS MORRISON (December 8, 1943-JULY 3, 1971)

Do you know the warm progress under the stars! Do you know we exits? Have you forgotten the keys to the Kingdom Have you been borne yet & are you alive? An American Prayer, copyright James Douglas Morrison, 1970 Jim Morrison looked his life like a movie. A subtle fantasy in which he was both …

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THE DOORS: “L.A. Woman” (Elektra) Review

Published in Melody Maker The best album The Doors have ever done was put out a couple of months ago. It was called “13” and it was a compilation essentially of their singles and a few others cuts. In fact, it might have been re-titled “The Doors Greatest Hits.” In a way, it was an …

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Singer For The Doors is Dead

Los Angeles: Jim Morrison, 27, lead singer of The Doors rock group, died Saturday night of natural causes in Paris, France, his public relations firm said yesterday. Details of the death were not released but the firm, and a spokesman said no information would be available until Morrison’s agent returned from Paris. The spokesman could …

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German magazine article – “JIM MORRISON STARB IN DER BADEWANNE”

Er war der Sanger und BoB der Doors, Amerikas Top-Rockgruppe von 1967 bis 1971. Ein Außenseiter, der Gedichte schrieb und Filme machen wollte. Unter mysteriösen Umstanden kam er am 3. Juli 1971 in Paris ums Leben. BRAVO schildert die Hintergrunde . . .  Photo Caption 1 (Band Pic): Oktober 1968: Jim Morrison mit den …

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LA Woman


The album has an original cover. It is the top of a pair of jeans with a gimmick zipper done by Andy Warhol. You grab the zipper with trebling hands, and pull down slowly to reveal OH NO! It’s Jim Morrison! Why you sly dog, you, Jim, and after all the trouble you’ve been through! …

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LA Woman

Doors still open on hard rock

By Mike Jahn The Doors have a new album out called “L.A. Woman”, and it is a continuation of their tend back to the hard rock of their birth. “L.A. Woman” [Elektra] is nearly all blues. The first album the Doors produced themselves; it is stark, bare and simple; it is more driving and rocking …

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The Doors – ‘L.A. Woman’ Review

By Pat Patrick Just to begin, I’d like to say that I am and have been for quite a while, one of those sock-em-and bop-em, tried and true, Doors fans. Even more to the point, I am an even more devoted Jim Morrison fan. (I Love Him!) And how, I am going to write a …

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Circus Magazine – The Jim Morrison Interview with Sali Stevenson

Sitting, watching and waiting for a possible doom factor to happen with no way to halt it is a gut wrenching, nerve racking experience. Then the waiting was over, Jim Morrison faced Judge Murray Goodman in Miami. “You are a person graced with a talent, admired by many of your peers. Man tends to imitate …

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Creem Magazine Article

Jim Morrison was sentenced October 30. It was expected that Jim would receive the maximum sentencing, but the judge got goodhearted and whacked off 2 months and sentenced Jim to 6 months with a $500.00 fine. But Jim won’t be serving his time for a while yet. The appeal has already started in the higher …

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Morrison Convicted: “So much for law. Back to politics.”

Published in ROCK MAGAZINE A political star has been born. You won’t see any star rising in the East. You’ll find it in the West (“The West is the Best”). He is James Douglas Morrison, who has a political unknown until September 20, 1970. On that date, Morrison was convicted of indecent exposure and profanity …

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